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at gerryarmstrong.org



Spargel Season in Deutschland 2003

Spargel season in Deutschland 2003

December 2003

Armstrong V

Order of Discharge 03-07-1997

Wilson Letter 03-13-1997

Order 03-17-1997

Wilson Letter 03-17-1997

Tampa Tribune 03-09-1997

Saint Petersburg Times 03-11-1997


Armstrong IV Armstrong IV

Order 01-27-1995

Order 10-06-1995

Order 12-01-1995

Order re Summary Judgment 01-30-1996

Order 03-08-1996

Wilson Letter to Armstrong 10-23-1996

Wilson Letter to Armstrong 12-11-1996

Robert Vaughn Young Letter to Armstrong 12-16-1981

Armstrong Affidavit 12-31-1984 (re MCCS)

Appellate opinion: RTC v. Yanny II 01-11-1994

Abbott Letter to Norman 02-12-14-1997

Wilson Letter to Abbott 02-25-1997

Armstrong Letter to Miscavige 03-06-1997

Abbott Letter to Miscavige 03-25-1997

Abbott Letter to Miscavige 05-05-1997

Wilson Letter to Abbott 05-08-1997

Wog Media:

Las Vegas Review Journal 05-04-1984

Los Angeles Times 05-25-1984

Associated Press 05-26-1984

Los Angeles Daily Journal 06-08-1984

Los Angeles Times 06-08-1984

Saint Petersburg Times 07-11-1984

Armstrong Declaration 09-06-1984 (re MCCS)

Ron the Humoritarian®

The Little Fakir Does Baghdad
Find the Little Fakir No. 10

Badische Neueste Nachrichten 11-10-2003 [Deutsch] [English Translation]

Scientology's Spirit of Christmas

The Tao Not Taken

November 2003

L. Ron Spielberg

Thanks, Dr. Singer

Thankyou for Listening [The Real Source]

Declaration of Lynn Farny 08-26-1991

Armstrong Declaration [Filed in Armstrong IV] 01-16-1995

Declaration of Michael Rinder 10-27-1994
Declaration of Robert Vaughn Young 12-14-1994
Declaration of Stacy Brooks Young 12-14-1994
Bylaws of CSI Amended 04-10-1994
Armstrong Declaration 07-19-1991
Ruling of Judge Diane Wayne Filed 07-29-1994

Armstrong VII

Plaintiff's [Scientology's] Motion for Summary Judgment 11-17-2003
Plaintiff's Separate Statement in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment 11-17-2003
Declaration of Andrew Wilson 11-17-2003
Proof of Service 11-17-2003

Mutual Release and Settlement Agreement [Armstrong I] 12-1986
Armstrong Answer [Armstrong VII] 11-07-2002
Verified Complaint [Armstrong II] 02-04-1992
Verified Complaint [Armstrong IV] 07-23-1993
Verified Cross-Complaint [Armstrong IV] 11-30-1993
Order of Permanent Injunction [Armstrong IV] 10-17-1995
Judgment [Armstrong IV] 05-02-1996
Ex Parte OSC re Contempt [Armstrong IV] 11-13-2000
Armstrong's Opposition to OSC re Contempt [partial document] [Armstrong IV] 01-09-2001
Order of Contempt [Armstrong IV] 07-13-2001


The Magnificent Eight
Find the Little Faquero 11-13-2003

Karlsruhe Picket Report 11-08-2003
Deutsch excerpt [der Auszug]

The Martin Ottmann OP 11-10-2003

Happy Birthday, Operation Clambake! 11-07-2003

RJ2003: Ron Emerges, Very Knocked Out but Alive 11-03-2003

a.r.s.: Armstrong comments on serving Scientology's malevolent purposes 11-01-2003

October 2003

a.r.s.: Armstrong comments on Gandhi Tech/Non-cooperation 10-31-2002

a.r.s.: Armstrong comments on "Depopularizing the Enemy" on a.r.s. 10-31-2003

Nightmare on L. Ron Hubbard Way 10-30-2003

a.r.s.: Armstrong comments on GOoN sQUaD FOLLIES 10-29-2003

a.r.s.: Armstrong comments on Hurbbard's Revolt in the Stars 10-23-2003

Little Fakir Photoshopportunity at the LA Sports Arena (~215 k)

Essay:  Scientology Collaborator — Duplicitous or Just a Dupe?  10-15-2003

Essay: The Scientology v. Armstrong Cases 10-12-2003

Little Fakir Supercop

Declaration of Professor Stephen A. Kent 09-23-2003

Case Management/ADR Conference 08-29-2003
[Proof of Service 10-01-2003]

Professor Besier's Alleged Speech 09-17-2003 [.pdf] [German]

Armstrong on Reunification Day 10-03-2003

Little Fakir Wearing His Hat

September 2003

Scientology’s “Proclamation on Religion, Human Rights and Society”
– Gerry Armstrong’s Response
[English]  [German] 09-28-2003

Scientology Policy Directive 28 Suppressive Act
Dealing with a Declared Suppressive Person

Thursday Afternoon at the Movies

Little Gasbag Fakir

Armstrong comments on Jokers and Degraders 09-22-2003

A Dopey Training Film

Doing Darshan with the Guru

Lawrence Heller Declaration re: Armstrong "Settlement contract" 11-01-1989
[English] [German translation]

New York Times:  Church of Scientology Reached Agreement With I.R.S. 12-31-1997
[English] [German Translation]

Little Fungi Fakir 9-18-2003

Little Fakir Found Favoring Fauna 09-18-2003

Little Fakir ® Found 09-10-2003

Marburg Journal of Religion: Scientology and the European Human Rights Debate: A Reply to Leisa Goodman, J. Gordon Melton, and the European Rehabilitation Project Force Study
Paper by Stephen A. Kent 09-2003

Marburg Journal of Religion:  Scientology: Religion or Racket?
Paper by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi 09-2003

Scamtology News

Armstrong on remembering the vultures at 911

DM The Duck Fakir

Little Fakir On Safari

In Re Estate of L. Ron Hubbard
Riverside Superior Court Case No. 47150
Supplemental Memorandum for Summary Judgment 05-19-1983


IGN #1995 Pay-Up Call 09-01-2003

August 2003

Davey the Divinator® Answers Rumpel Stilzchen 08-31-2003

Davey the Divinator®

Audit My Account [More Checks]

Armstrong VIIArmstrong Letter to Andrew Wilson 08-28-2003

Essay:  The Miscavige Regime:  Criminality and Squirreling Go Hand in Paw 08-27-2003

New York Times: The Shadowy Story Behind Scientology's Tax-Exempt Status 03-09-1997
[German Translation] [English]

Cal. Court of Appeal, RTC v. Yanny, No. B058291 06-29-1994

Hey OSA, Where's the Beef?

Armstrong Letter to OSA Op "Sharky" and All Scientologists 08-21-2003

Xenu Teddy!  Hip Hip Hurray!    Caroline wins Operation Clambake Picket Prize! 08-16-2003

L. Ron Hubbard's 2003: A Space Idiocy

Time Magazine: The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power [English] [German] 05-06-1991

German Translation: 1986 "Mutual Release and Settlement Agreement"

Photo and Comments: Ron Unbumptious at New Year's Party 1980

Scientology Vulture Ministers Scamming Stuttgart 08-14-2003

Photos: Stuttgart VM Op 07-30-2003

Photos: Scientology VM Propaganda 07-30-2003

a.r.s.: re: Hubbard's Fraud on the SO #1 Line 08-03-2003

Tabayoyon Declaration [Filed in Fishman] 06-03-1994

More Armstrong II Litigation Documents:

Sohigian Ruling 05-28-1992

Declaration of Laurie Bartilson 12-31-1992

Hearing Transcript 03-05-1993

Declaration Laurie Bartilson 07-24-1993

July 2003

Letkeman Letter to David Miscavige 07-31-2003

a.r.s.: Armstrong comments on declaration in Wollersheim II 07-31-2003

Armstrong Declaration 06-04-1993
[ Filed in Wollersheim II ]

a.r.s.: Swearinger Investigation Documents 07-31-2003

a.r.s.: Aznaran Testimony 07-29-2003

a.r.s.: The glory of making it go right (was: One Stoppe Copy Shoppe) 07-29-2003

Declaration: Rick Aznaran 01-15-1989

Affidavit: Rick Aznaran 10-31-1989

Apollo Wedding Photos 12-10-1974
a.r.s.: 1974 Flagship wedding photos 07-25-2003
a.r.s.: 1974 Flagship wedding photos 07-29-2003

E-mail to Scientology Attorney Wilson in Armstrong VII 07-22-2003

a.r.s.: Bob Minton and LMT dismissed from the Marin County litigation 07-24-2003

Hallelujah, bye and bye, Michael Douglas 07-18-2003

Flynn Clients Settlement Agreement 12-1986

HCO PL Confidential 06-29-1971
Armstrong Comments: Scientology's Hatred of Medicine, the Real Why 07-09-2003
Survey of ex-Scientologists re: hatred of medicine 07-09-2003

Armstrong a.r.s. post: Hubbard's "Admissions," additional authentication 07-08-2003

Hubbard Letter 02-03-1983 [.pdf]

Hubbard Arrest Record and Fingerprint Card
San Luis Obispo County 08-17-1948 [.pdf]

Scientology only hires lawyers who will participate in criminal activity 07-05-2003

Hubbard Policy Letter:  Penalties for Lower Conditions 10-18-1967

Armstrong a.r.s. response to Stefan Blandow 07-04-2003

Armstrong response to Fredric Rice re: Admissions 07-04-2003

Armstrong response to Scientologist Blackdog re: Admissions 07-05-2003

Armstrong response to Fredric Rice re: Admissions & Litigation 07-06-2003

Armstrong response to Grouchomatic re: "Breach of Contract" Litigation 07-08-2003

June 2003

Armstrong a.r.s. post re Fair Game 06-29-2003

Follow-up 06-30-2003

Follow-up 06-30-2003

Follow-up 07-01-2003

I'm a Lumberjack, I'm Okay 07-01-2003

Armstrong a.r.s. post re Finding an American von Stauffenberg 06-28-2003

Follow-up 06-30-2003

Follow-up 06-30-2003

Follow-up 06-30-2003

Goon Squad Additions:

ptsc 06-29-2003

Cerridwen 06-29-2003

Finding an American von Stauffenberg 06-26-2003

HCO PL BATTLE TACTICS Reissued 09-24-1987

OSA INT ED 19 SQUIRRELS [.pdf] 09-20-1984
Armstrong Notes on OSA INT ED 19 SQUIRRELS 06-18-2003

Kenneth Long Affidavits in Scientology v. Russell Miller & Penguin Books:

[First Affidavit] 10-05-1987 [.pdf]
[Second Affidavit] 10-05-1987 [.pdf]
[Third Affidavit] 10-05-1987 [.pdf]
[Fourth Affidavit] 10-07-1987 [.pdf]
[Fifth Affidavit] 10-08-1987 [.pdf]

Scientology Settles with Robert Minton

Letkeman Press Release 06-09-2003

Letkeman Letter to David Miscavige 06-06-2003
re: OSA's Intelligence Officer Checksheet

May 2003

Cult Media

More on Scientology's Current Fair Game Campaign in Germany:

Black PR from Black Propagandist Renate Hartwig 05-28-2003
[German] [English]

Black PR from OSA Agent Sabine Weber to Propst Dr. Lütcke, Evangelical State Church 03-11-2003
[German .pdf] [English]

Black PR from OSA Agent Sabine Weber to Member of Parliament Petra Pau 04-25-2003
[German] [English]

Wog Media

Press:  Badische Neueste Nachrichten 05-25-2003 [German] [English]

New translation: Pravoslavnaya Gazeta Orthodox Newspaper article [Russian] [English]12-11-2002

New translation: Lestvitsa-Orthodox Newspaper article [Russian] [English] 12-13-2002

[Many thanks to Joe Cisar for his translations.]

Announcement:  May 28 to June 1
an Ecumenical Conference (Ökumenischer Kirchentag) will bring together an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 people in Berlin, from all over Germany and around the world. The Conference theme is "You shall be a Blessing." http://www.oekt.de/index.php

On Thursday, May 29, Pastor Thomas Gandow, Sect Commissioner for Berlin-Brandenburg, and Gerry Armstrong, former member of Scientology, will conduct a World Views Workshop entitled "Scientology: Cult of Power." The workshop is from 4:45 PM to 6:00 PM at the Sophien-Kirche, Grosse Hamburger Str. 29 in Berlin. http://www.sophien.de/2003/start/themen/kirchentag.htm

At http://www.oekt.de/programm/programm/datenbank/ type in “Armstrong” for Beteiligte (Participant), or “Scientology” for Titel (Topic)

Leipzig Award 2003

Armstrong Greeting 05-18-2003 [English] [Deutsch] [French]
Armstrong's Leipzig 2003 Photos:

The Ceremony

The Award

Leipzig Weekend

Alte Börse Support the Leipzig Award!
Support those who stand up to Scientology tyranny.
Visit the Official Leipzig Award Site
Add your congratulations.

Fun Fun

Old News -- so what's new? photos

April 2003

Check out our new Site Search.

Vancouver Courier 03-31-2003
[See also:  Our Picket encounter with James Wood] 11-28-2001

Just Up:
DM's Nutso BS Op

Armstrong Affidavit 02-27-1998 [Affidavit submitted to Revenue Canada]

Armstrong Letter to Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe 10-18-1997
[German] [English]

Trial Transcript, Armstrong I: Homer Schomer Testimony (Excerpt) 06-05-1984
Armstrong Note re: Schomer Testimony 04-14-2003

OSA Report re Homer Schomer 02-15-1984

OSA Report re Homer Schomer 05-18-1984

OSA Mission Orders re Homer Schomer "Homer Shomer Salvage Msn" 05-28-1984

Armstrong Despatch to CO CMO 10-31-1981

Freedom 05-1985

Armstrong Declaration 04-09-1986
[Filed in Armstrong I]

Newly webbed exhibits:
Christofferson Trial Transcript Excerpt 04-04-1985
Christofferson Trial Transcript Excerpt 04-11-1985
Scientology's paid ad in the Oregonian 05-30-1985
Transcript excerpt of Scientology's Boston radio show 06-11-1985
IAS Flyer 04/1985  -- 05/1985
Armstrong Declaration 10-23-1985
Freedom "Special Edition" 02-1986

March 2003

Armstrong Letter to David Miscavige 03-20-2003

Armstrong Response to Scientology's Application for Criminal Prosecution
in Ekaterinburg 03-19-2003

Armstrong Declaration re: Scientology's Current Fair Game Campaign in Germany

Cult Media

Damages Claims Special Bank Estimate 10-08-1981
           Notes on the Estimate 03-25-2003

Cult Press Release re: Hubbard 02-10-1983

Freedom "Special Edition" 02-1986

Scientology's CLameleon Op spams usenet with this terrorist black PR post.

OSA recruitment letter on alt.religion.scientology 10-25-2002

OSA Black PR Letter to Plenipotentiary Oleg Orestovich 05-08-2001 [Russian] [English]

New Page in progress:  Scientology Fair Games Michael Flynn, Armstrong's Attorney
[Many new documents webbed]

Includes Michael J. Flynn Letter to Cult Attorney John G. Peterson 08-19-1982
Michael J. Flynn Declaration 07-31-1986

New Page in progress: Eugene Ingram: Cult PI
[Many new documents webbed]

Includes Declaration of Ala Fadili Tamimi 05-05-1984 [Recanted 03-1985] [.pdf]
Includes Declaration of Akil Fadili Tamimi 05-10-1984 [.pdf]


Includes: ptsc forwards OSA's Armstrong – Manson Black PR

More CL Op

Wog Media

California Lawyer 12-1994

die Kirche 01-12-2003 [ German]

Berliner Zeitung 01-20-2003 [German .pdf][English]

der tagesspiegel 01-21-2003 [German] [English]

der tagesspiegel 01-25-2003 [German] [English]

die Kirche 01-26-2003 [ German]

idea-Spektrum 02-26-2003 [German]


William C. Walsh Declaration [Filed in CSI v. Fishman] 02-08-1994

Armstrong Declaration in Opposition to Scientology's Motion to Enforce Settlement Agreement

Michael J. Flynn Declaration 07-31-1986

Lawrence E. Heller Declaration 01-1992 [Armstrong II]

Michael J. Flynn Affidavit 08-10-1984

Michael J. Flynn Declaration 04-1985

Michael J. Flynn Declaration 09-24- 1985

William Franks Affidavit 04-03-1985

Armstrong Declaration 07-01-1984

Affidavit of LaVenda Van Schaick Dukoff 06-09-1986

Armstrong Affidavit 04-12-1986

Armstrong Declaration 04-21-1994


Armstrong Letter to Saddam Hussein 03-18-2003

Armstrong Letter to Saddam Hussein 12-29-2002

New page in progress: Historical Writings and Documents

Usenet Post: MEA, TRC (Question for Gerry from Warrior)

Document: Passport 01-25-1971

Photograph: Lisboa Portugal 12-1972

Photograph: Lisboa Portugal 1974

Document: Armstrong Driver Permit St. Vincent in the Windward Islands 1974

Document: Passport 05-18-1976

Photograph:  Omar and Alannah Garrison with the Armstrongs Chilliwack 1981

Document: Vaccination Record

Document: Panamanian Seaman's Book

Photographs:  Armstrong on the Clearwater RPF

Document: Armstrong Despatch to Mary Sue Hubbard re: Archives 10-15-1980

Document: Armstrong New Post Non-Existence Formula 02-03-1980

Document: Armstrong Despatch to Mary Sue Hubbard 02-05-1980

Document: Mary Sue Hubbard Despatch to Armstrong 02-11-1980

Document: Omar Garrison's "LRH Biog. -- Workpoints" ca. 03-1977

Document: Hubbard Despatch Re: Omar's Biographical Work Points 03-16-1977

Document: Wertheimer Letter re: Hubbard Biography 11-17-1980


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