Affidavit of William L. Bowman

Hubbard Litigation

Image of signature page

State of California

County of Los Angeles
) ss.

I, WILLIAM L. BOWMAN, being duly sworn, hereby depose and declare under penalty of perjury:

1. My name is WILLIAM L. BOWMAN. I am a recognized Forensic Document Examiner and have been a Questioned Document Examiner for more than twenty-two (22) years. I am qualified to make the statements in this affidavit as reflected by my qualifications, a partial list of which are attached hereto as Exhibit "1".

2. My professional services as a Questioned Document Examiner have been retained by Barrett S. Litt, attorney at law, in the case "In Re the Estate of L. Ron Hubbard", Case No. 41750, Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Riverside.

3. I have been requested to examine an original of a document titled "Declaration of L. Ron Hubbard" dated "15 May 83" and consisting of seven (7) pages. Each of the pages of the document have written initials next to a fingerprint. The sixth page also has a signature "L. Ron Hubbard" and a date "15 May 83". The seventh page has a written statement upon it. A copy of the document is attached hereto as Exhibit "2".

4. I have made a thorough examination and comparison of the initials on each page, the signature and date on page six,


and the writing on page seven with the following documents which I used as exemplars:

a. A photocopy of a fingerprint exemplar , No. C1396 with the name "Hubbard, LaFayette Ron" and the date "Aug 22 1948". A Los Angeles Special Officer card with Badge No. 2484 and a Naval Personnel identification card with Certificate No. 1354635. Copies of these exemplars are attached hereto as Exhibit "3".

b. Fifteen (15) identification cards for the years 1968 through 1978 each bearing the signature "Lafayette R. Hubbard" or "L. Ron Hubbard". Photocopies of these identification cards are attached hereto as Exhibit "4".

c. A 16-page handwritten letter titled "HCO Policy Letter of May 26" with signature "L. Ron Hubbard" on the last page of the document, copies of the first and last pages of this letter have been attached hereto as Exhibit "5".

d. A 22-page handwritten letter titled "My Philosophy by L. Ron Hubbard" with "Typed 11/18/65" upon it and with the signature "L. Ron Hubbard" on the last page. Copies of the first and last page of that letter have been attached hereto as Exhibit "6".

e. A 6-page handwritten letter with "HCO P/L 3 Oct 71" and titled "How Ethics Get Harsh" with the initials "L. H." on the last page. A copy of the first and last pages of this document have been attached hereto as Exhibit "7".

f. A 21-page handwritten letter titled "HCOB 25 MAR 75 Diet, Theory of a Natural Diet" which is initialed


"LH" on the last page. A copy of the first and last pages of this document have been attached hereto as Exhibit "8".

g. A 1-page typed letter with handwriting and signature "L. Ron Hubbard" which is addressed "Bank of New England, N.A." and dated June 15, 1982. A copy of this document is attached hereto as Exhibit "9".

h. A 4-page handwritten letter dated 3 Feb 83 addressed "To the Judge Presiding Over the L. Ron Hubbard 'Probate Matter'" with signature on the first and fourth page "L. Ron Hubbard". A copy of that document is attached hereto as Exhibit "10".

5. It is my expert opinion after comparing Exhibit "2" with the above mentioned Exhibits "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" and "10" that the handwriting, signature and initials were written by one and the same person.

6. It is my expert opinion that the handwriting characteristics of Exhibit "2" are consistent throughout with Exhibits "3", "4", "5", "6", " 7", "8", "9" and "10" characteristics such as letter formation, line quality and proportion of one letter to another. Exhibit "2" and the other referenced exemplar Exhibits represent a normal chronological development of the unique writing characteristics of a specific individual.

These basic handwriting characteristics can be demonstrated if necessary.

7. I have first-hand personal knowledge of all facts stated in this affidavit and if called as a witness, I could and would testify competently to them under oath.


Signed and sworn to under the pains and penalties of perjury on this 18th day of May, 1983.

[signed] William L. Bowman

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of May, 1983.

[signed] W. Charles Armtrong Jr.
Notary Public in and for said County and State

Notary Public - California
Principal Office in Los Angeles County
My Commission Expires Dec. 15, 1986.